People have always looked at me a little funny during the day with a flower in my hair here in San Francisco ...
Which I find a bit odd, given the San Fran famous song lyrics.
But you know what ... I could care less. ;)

And business I do ... right up there with the rest of them. This flower goes with me almost everywhere I go in the corporate world, so those smirk faced haters need to get hip to the jive, and stop staring. ;)

I'd like to separate my flower from that of the hippies on Haight St. and redirect it back towards it's initial spark -
Billie Holiday.
Billie was always an inspiration to me, and while I"ll never be able to sport a flower as big and sparkly as hers, I'll always follow in her image.
I'll probably be that 90 year old lady on the corner with bright pink hair and an orchid garden, playing Billie Holiday records on vinyl while the kids run around in their flying cars and such. Just wait.
And you know what? Billie Holiday said it best herself ...
"Ain't Nobody's Business, If I Do." ;)
Yep, it AIN'T nobody's business but your own! Besides, there probably just envious they don't have the nerve to do exactly the same thing! You rock, Jenny!