But I think it's important to note that a lady really shouldn't be without a small "nook" to call her own.
In a home filled with roommates, husbands, children ... or in my case, boyfriend & pitbull ... I think it is imperative that the modern lady have a simple vanity.
This may sound trivial, but hear me out.
A vanity offers a small intimate space that a woman can call her own.
A place to unwind. A place to start her day. A place to keep her endless bottles of perfume, bobby pins, jewelry and lipstick, of course. A place where she can display those little trinkets that the boyfriend won't allow on the fireplace mantle. A place to light the scented candle that he thinks is "stinky" ... and so on ;)

...and I get to put my makeup on in my own little space, not having to worry about sharing the bathroom mirror in a frantic attempt to look somewhat put-together before catching the morning train.
As far as I'm concerned, all ladies deserve this little slice of privacy.As you can see, mine is not some expensive, glamorous armoire.
I have a portable kitchen cutting table with an antique mirror that belonged to my grandmother, simply propped up against the wall.

Mele & Co., ivory & creme oak finish with a suede fabric lining.
Apparently, the Mele family immigrated from Italy to New York in the early 1900's, and became famous for making exquisite keepsake boxes for Purple Hearts during the war.
Now, I have my own to display my wonderful vintage treasures along side the other brick-a-brack I've collected throughout the years.

So there's my space. :)
Sweet and simple. But in my mind, well deserved.
I hope I've inspired you to create your own if you don't have one already!
I love my vanity. It's something I use daily, and it has only my things. Nothing can make you feel more feminine than sitting around a bunch of pretty accessories and make up to get ready.